The archives of our monthly newsletter devoted to all things marquetry



1. work made from small pieces of variously colored wood veneer or other materials, used chiefly for the decoration of furniture.

2. A woodworking technique that takes your furniture from blah, to 


marquetry & veneering  classes



"WOW, where did you get that?"

If you found us elsewhere, we're glad you're here! Below you'll find copies of all previous issues of Running with Chisels.

 Be sure to sign up below to receive the latest, direct to your inbox.

running with chisels



  • Tech(nique) Topic: Inlaying Curved Veneer Elements into a Table Top
  • Decorative Arts Museums worth a visit: Paris

Vol. 15: August 2024

  • Ask Dave: How to create a line drawing from a photo (step by step)
  • Tech(nique) topic: Using the computer to design a 4-way matched panel

Vol. 14: July 2024



Vol. 12: May 2024

  • Ask Dave: How to work with extra large panels
  • Around the Shop: Working through Failure
  • Tech(nique) Topic: Softening Veneer
  • Ask Dave: How to replace a piece of already-cut veneer
  • Events & Classes: Upcoming Schedule
  • Class Recap: Painting with Wood

Vol. 11: April 2024

  • Ask Dave: How to create a line drawing from a photo
  • Decorative Arts Museums - the MAK
  • History lesson: Roentgen
  • Tech(nique) topic: Where do design ideas come from?

Vol. 10: February 2024





Vol. 9: January 2024

  • Ask Dave: Filler between pieces?
  • Around the Shop: Plans and Philosophy for 2024
  • Tech(nique) Topic: Laying in a narrow line in your marquetry work
  • Show & Tell - The Collaboration Piece
  • Events & Classes: Wrapping up 2023
  • RWC Archive now available!
  • Great Places with Great Furniture: Charleston, South Carolina

Vol. 8: November + December 2023

  • Ask Dave: How to cut perfectly straight veneer
  • Events & Classes: 2024 update
  • Around the shop: the Collaboration Piece
  • Decorative Arts collections worth a Visit: the VMFA

Vol. 7: October 2023





Vol. 6: September 2023

  • Ask Dave: Top Books for the Marquetarian
  • Events & Classes: New Double Bevel II class
  • Tech(nique) Topic: Glues and Glue-Up
  • Ask Dave: How to store veneer to keep it flat?
  • Events & Classes: 2024 Schedule
  • Tech(nique) Topic: Key Tools for the Marquetarian Download

Vol. 5: August 2023

  • Ask Dave: How to dress up a basic box?
  • Events & Classes: Catching up with the "Grandkids" at Sam Beauford
  • Class focus: Elliptical Fan part 2
  • Tech(nique) Topic: Best Scroll Saws
  • Shop Updates

Vol. 4: July 2023





Vol. 3: June 2023

  • Ask Dave: Why does Parquetry get no love around here?
  • Events & Classes: Student Survey
  • Ask Dave: What is cockbeading, and when would I use it?
  • Events & Classes: Sam Beauford School
  • Class focus: Elliptical Fan part 1
  • Tech(nique) Topic: Sand Shading

Vol. 2: May 2023

  • Ask Dave: Best solvent for shellac?
  • Class focus: Veneering for Furniture Makers
  • New videos on YouTube with Wood and Shop
  • Tech(nique) Topic: Using Palette Paper in Pictoral Marquetry

Vol. 1: April 2023



* Safety first - please do not actually run with chisels. Juggling chisels is overtly discouraged.

A monthly newsletter for all things marquetry + veneer.

Sign up for marquetry questions answered, detailed tips and techniques, first dibs on new class availability, and opportunities to hear from Dave.

We take the work seriously, but not ourselves.

with chisels

join us & say no to naked furniture!


Geometric Marquetry

Veneering for Furniture Makers

Double Bevel Marquetry

signature classes





Our truly signature class.  It is the most elegant but challenging method of marquetry, so we recommend this class to those who have some marquetry or veneer experience. 

double bevel

This class is designed for furniture makers who would like to learn how to incorporate the unique colors and figure available as veneer in their work 

Veneering for
furniture makers

Create a geometric Prairie Style lid for a wooden box in this class emphasizing crisp linework and shapes. This class is well suited for newcomers to marquetry and veneer.



Expect the eccentric and #saynotonakedfurniture

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